A day of respite. I awakened before sunrise to the songs of about 30 Australian Crows in the Birch Tree beside my bedroom window. Have a listen. They are very interesting to hear.
Healing Updates
November 7th, 2022 Update
Today is the bone marrow test. I’m nervous about this, but they assured me they will give me a mild sedative and I won’t feel anything. I’m happy about that! The whole thing was much easier than I expected and I didn’t feel anything. Such a blessing to have helpful methods to ease the anxiety and pain.
November 6th, 2022 Update
I awakened early in the morning with terrible cotton mouth due to the steroid. I’ve never had a steroid. So, I wasn’t expecting this. I can hardly swallow. I had to hold the water in my mouth a few moments just to let it re-hydrate my tissues before I swallowed. Crazy! On a light note, I was blessed with a beautiful sunrise from my window. Had a visit from Doc Wolf. He said no additional (4th) lung tap needed. (Thankfully!!!) We’ll wait to see how the steroid performs. This is a huge relief. While greatly relieving, the lung taps are not at all fun or comfortable in any way.

October 31, 2022 Update