
October 31, 2022 Update

After leaving the first hospital which told us they couldn’t help me for another 2 days we checked out and went to a different hospital. We had immediate attention and the ER people ay Cabrini were all over me in haste. I was taken for a chest Xray. The lower half of both my lungs doesn’t show up. It should have been black (air space) but the lower lobes of the lungs are collapsed. Within a couple hours Dr. Little was working on me to install a lung tap into my left lung to drain the fluid measuring 2.2 Liters. A very uncomfortable process but the fluid that came out of my lungs blew me away! I felt like my chest had been sort of heavy, but I had no idea how much fluid was in my pleural cavities. My right lung was drained the next day and 2.1 Liters was drained. In total 4.3 liters of fluid. Go pick up a gallon and 1/2 of milk and you’ll have an idea of how much fluid was in my lungs. No wonder I was having a hard time breathing!!

Want to Learn More about PSYCH-K®?

Watch the pre-recorded Intro to PSYCH-K® Webinar

Watch the Free pre-recorded PSYCH-K® Intro Webinar

In just 1 hour, you’ll learn about the basics of PSYCH-K®. This is the fastest way to learn about PSYCH-K® – so jump in and get your questions answered. There’s a lot of information to be digested and this pre-recorded webinar has been created to specifically assist you in understanding more about it. Click below to watch now.
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