
Dr. Jefferey Fannin

Jeffrey L. Fannin holds a Ph.D. in Psychology, an MBA and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communications.

Brain Mapping Explained, Dr. Jeffrey Fannin

Dr. Jeffrey Fannin has been involved in brain neuroscience for over 28 years and is the founder of the clinic and research director of Thought Genius LLC in Peoria, Arizona. Dr. Fannin has extensive experience training the brain for optimal performance to improve brain function, enhance mental and emotional dexterity.

Over the years he has been involved in cutting-edge research, such as, using quantitative electroencephalogram qEEG technology. This allows him to accurately assess and measure balanced brainwave activity, known as the whole-brain state. This research focuses on subconscious belief patterns, translating limited personal success into balanced brain performance. He has co-authored several peer reviewed neuroscience articles on varied subjects as well as PSYCH-K®. An article featuring PSYCH-K® was published in the peer reviewed journal NeuroConnections. The full 25 page report was published in its entirety in the International Journal of Management and Business. Both articles can be found on this website under the tab: Resources/Free Resources

Dr. Jeffrey Fannin in PSYCH-K®

Dr. Fannin was part of a research team at Arizona State University researching neuroscience and leadership; including work at the United States Military Academy at West Point. This research allowed him to co-teach a unique course at Arizona State University, “The Neuroscience of Leadership.” His work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, on Fox News, Business Week, London Financial Times, in Singapore’s Weekend Edition, BBC radio and many more.

Check out Dr. Fannin’s new book: Under The Influence: The Secrets of Living a Meaningful Life – Family, Career, Spirituality, and Friends (Kindle Edition, published Sept 22, 2022

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