Meet Dr. Bruce Lipton
Over 20 years ago Bruce and Rob met at a conference. Both had been invited to speak about their work. Bruce was on stage before Rob. As a cellular biologist who discovered that cells are not being affected by DNA turning on or off and attacking the cell structure.
Bruce was onstage prior to Rob, delivering the good news that we are NOT victims of our DNA as had been touted by the genetic proponents of the day. Instead his message was clear and simple. Our cells are affected by the environment. This environment becomes toxic by how we perceive our place in the world. It is our perception, which then turns into beliefs, that govern our health and well being or lack of it.
As always someone in the audience would ask the question, “Great, then how do we change our beliefs?” At that time as with all times prior to that speech, Bruce had to tell the audience, “I don’t know how.” He walked off the stage and was met by Rob Williams in the wings who gave Bruce the good news. Rob shared with Bruce he knew HOW to help people change their beliefs, but hadn’t the science to back him up, until now. From this meeting they became fast friends and have spent more than 20 years assisting one another in their work.
Bruce is a bubbling fountain of enthusiasm. His infectious personality and elation for science are what drive many people to PSYCH-K® workshops. Bruce shares openly and publicly about the benefits of PSYCH-K® and in the May/June 2012 issue of ODE Magazine recommended PSYCH-K® as his top subconscious change modality.