

Biology Of Perception Psychology Of Change

“The Biology of Perception The Psychology of Change” Piecing It All Together

DVD By: Bruce Lipton, PH.D and Rob Williams

Watch this Bruce Lipton Video


Watch this Rob Williams Video


This DVD is a video presentation that is a dynamic distillation of the 4 day workshop taught by paradigm pioneers Bruce Lipton, Ph.D and Rob Williams, M.A.

These men take us on a fascinating and eloquent trip through the newest understandings of biology and psychology.

Dr. Lipton and Mr. Williams provide the viewer with challenging and insightful ideas and conclusions about the worlds of Biology and Psychology and encourage us to explore these sciences from revolutionary new viewpoints.

Explore the mind-body connection in a way you have never seen it presented before. Dr. Lipton helps us understand we need not see ourselves as “victims of our genes”. It is our beliefs that literally affect our genes at a cellular level. We have more control over our genes and our lives than anyone dared imagine.

This DVD is intended as a supplement to the Basic Workshop and in NO WAY is to be considered a replacement for the diverse educational experience you will gain during the full 2 day PSYCH-K workshop.

Viewing time approximately 1 hour 52 minutes.

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