
November 16, 22 Update

Dear Friends,

As many of you knew  I was off to Australia to enjoy a 3 week tour of the Melbourne area with my partner Leigh Sargent. He had made amazing plans to visit with friends and family and I was so looking forward to meeting them all. Unfortunately, after our first breakfast we went to a health clinic as I was having an impossible time breathing. I was soon treated and had 4.3 liters of fluid drained from my lungs and then a subsequent draining on the right lung again to relieve another 1.3 liters a couple days later. After many different medical tests it has been determined I have  Follicular Lymphoma. It is likely I have had it for many years. It is a slow growing problem. However, it has now taken over and I am considered stage 4 based on the extent of proliferation.

The really good news is that I was literally, dropped right into the hands of some of the finest medical doctors in Australia who deal with this type of cancer, Thanks be to Bev, Leigh’s cousin who works in cancer education and immediately connected us with excellent doctors. Additional good news is that this cancer tends to respond very favorably to treatment and typically yields a long period of remission when treated properly. So, I am staying in Melbourne for treatments, which started on November 10th, 2022. I would have loved to have flown home, but due to my very delicate condition, the length of the flights, and the pressure changes caused inside the body during a flight, it was determined that it would be too dangerous for me to make the trip back home at this time. Lucky for me I am highly adaptable and have an attitude of great resilience, due to all my many years working with PSYCH-K. We will see where this amazing journey leads me next. I sense there is much for me to discover and learn about myself, cancer, and how I can help others because of this experience.

This first week after the first chemo treatment has not been easy for sure. However, I am determined to be successful and have many more years walking this Earth. I will be posting about my journey on this webpage. My communication will be honest, perhaps gritty at times and full of humility as I learn to bow gracefully with Spirit’s teaching of this pathway. I choose to share this journey with you, my beloved friends, workshop participants and those of you who are just curious to see how this goes. I find too often people are ashamed to talk about what is happening in their life. We are here to experience and grow!! There is nothing shameful about either opportunity. It is my hope that through my sharings you will gain new understanding, wisdom, and perhaps find new courage as you face your own challenges in life. Game ON!

I will not be able to work again until perhaps June or July 2023. Some of my fellow Workshop Participants and dear friends have set up a donation link for this page to help me with bills and keeping my mortgage paid so I have a home to return to. No need to contribute, but if you feel called to do so, know that your donation will be incredibly and gratefully accepted as I humble myself in the face of this unexpected new life teacher.

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