
PSYCH-K® Health & Wellbeing Program

Use PSYCH-K® for Optimal Health & Wellness*
*Prerequisites are PSYCH-K® Basic and PSYCH-K® Advanced
In this workshop take what you have already learned in the Basic and Advanced and thinking outside of traditional uses of the materials to expand and maximize the processes for one’s health and wellbeing. Variations in applications of PSYCH-K Balances you have already learned will stretch your mind in ways you have not yet considered. If you are working with healing a health challenge or assist others who have health challenges this program will teach you fascinating and amazing ways of working with the subconscious mind to help expedite potential healing. This class is fast paced, content rich and incredibly mind expanding. Come prepared to absorb information quickly! Get a good rest each night and come fresh and alert the next day for your next dose of “OMG… REALLY? We can do THAT?”


There is a LOT of new material! It is highly recommended you attend an Advanced Workshop to review your Advanced skills a month or so before the HWP and PRACTICE your Belief Points with Energy Focusing and Core Belief Balance. This review will assist you GREATLY! Consider the benefits of attending the Master Facilitation Workshop prior to the HWP to help you achieve greater skill levels and learn more expansive thinking and how to think “outside the box” with how to use the PSYCH-K processes, before you attend the HWP. If you are struggling with remembering how to do Balance processes from the Basic you will not gain as much from this class. A level of proficiency is needed to attend this course.

Optimal Health Balance

Create a completely different reality about the illness/dis-ease and life related to it.

Transforming Perceived Traumatic Events

New ways of thinking about the meanings of perceived traumatic events

Secondary Gain

Why do people stay sick in spite of treatment? What is the benefit of having the illness/dis-ease?

Messages from Symptoms

What might an illness/dis-ease be telling us?

How to Use Intention in a Balance

A simple AND incredibly effective balance to manage health conditions

Four Levels of Reality

Understand these connections of the Four Levels related to our perceptions of health. Become whole-brained with the Four Levels and recognize them in our partners.

First Aid

Use beliefs to complement and assist immediate medical care


How to use beliefs to STAY healthy and live a long and prosperous life.


Additional Information beyond this will also be shared. Fascinating discussions that will stretch your understanding of health, healing and overall wellness will expand your understanding of being a spiritual being having a human experience!

Program Goals:

What to Expect


Instructor: Dr. Duccio Locati

This course is only taught by the Director of the Health and Wellness Program, Dr. Duccio Locati, Italian Osteopath on an infrequent basis.

Support Instructor: Karen McKy

Karen will be organizing this course, and supporting Dr. Duccio in instructing.


All Workshops are from 8:45 AM – 6:00 PM, (All 3 Days)

Workshops take place at different locations depending on the date. Scroll down to see upcoming workshops and their locations.

Yes. Prerequisites are PSYCH-K® Basic and PSYCH-K® Advanced. You may also want to attend the Master Facilitation Workshop prior to this program. If you’re struggling to remember how to do Balance processes from the Basic, you may struggle in this class.

If you have any questions, you can contact Karen McKy at 719-648-3070 or email her at

Our time together was profound and I’m still uncovering and unpacking all that transformed during our time together.

Here’s a quick story of just one of the changes that occurred during HWP. I have always been severely allergic to cats. Being in the same room with them would trigger sneezing, watery eyes and usually ended with a sinus infection. During our time together I did a balance to address this and it was ridiculously simple but oh so effective.

The picture below is last Saturday. We had a garage sale and my son’s cat would not leave me alone. For hours she was laying in my lap, pretending she was a parrot and just loving all over me. Prior to Psych-K this was not possible. I would have been miserable. But I’m happy to report that I have had zero symptoms/reactions. No itchy, watery eyes…no sneezing…no sinus infection!
Shawn Douglass

Register for a PSYCH-K® Health & Wellbeing Program

Tuition: $1,850

NOTE Returning Students:
If you have already taken the PSYCH-K® Health & Wellbeing Program, please use coupon code HWREFRESH at checkout for an $800 discount

Still have questions?

Contact Karen