
PSYCH-K® Divine Integration Retreat

You’ve Earned This!

*The PSYCH-K® Basic AND PSYCH-K® Advanced workshops are prerequisites for this retreate

The Singular Purpose of this Retreat is…

To provide both recognition of, and a direct experience of, the Divine in each participant. The logical sequence is to identify and change any limiting beliefs about one’s Divinity, and then to create a format for a direct experience/connection of that Divinity. Each Balancing process is designed to serve that purpose. The culminating experience of the DIR is built on the foundation of each participant changing any limiting beliefs they may have regarding their connection to the Divine. The effect of group synergy is used to create an energetic environment in order to generate a personal experience of one’s own Divine connection. In the tradition of “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” this experience is designed to leverage group dynamics to facilitate a field effect in which each person can benefit from the power of the group in the state of Divine coherency. The reason for this focus came out of the the realization that the “IS Disorder” (Illusion of Separation from our Divinity), is the root cause of all disorders, mental and physical. In other words, it is our beliefs (usually subconscious) that we are separate from Divinity and hence fundamentaly flawed and powerless to have satisfying, joy filled lives that is the primary issue to address in the human experience. The premise is that ALL limitations are a subset of our limiting beliefs about Divinity.

The Supreme Gift of PSYCH-K®

For those ready to receive it. Because it is to be offered as a gift, no tuition is charged for the DIR itself. The Instructor is providing the space and other amenities for the DIR as a gift to you. Donations to help offset expenses are welcome and appreciated, but are optional. Any donation given will be done anonymously through a third party individual identified at the beginning of the DIR. For the ease of administration by the third party, cash is preferred over checks.

The Crowning Event in the World of PSYCH-K®

It is an incredible four day weekend designed to be relaxing, nurturing and supportive to your discovery of your connection and relationship with the Divine. The event is held in a retreat style format. DIR Attendees are highly encouraged to leave cell phones and the rest of the world behind when entering this special time and place. The pacing of the weekend is very different from other PSYCH-K® programs. There are no new Balances to learn. However, each of the Balances will be reviewed before doing them. There will be time for making new friends and renewing friendships gained in earlier workshops. We may prepare meals and eat together or we may go out for dinners as a group depending on the services in the area. Lodging may be onsite or in nearby hotel/motel accommodations. Again, the idea here is to create community and be a community, assisting one another in Balancing throughout the event. Every attempt will be made to hold the DIR at a location with reasonable rates. Lodging expenses are the responsibility of the attendees. We hope to have you join us for this final blessing of PSYCH-K®! You are welcome to attend as many times as you wish. DIR events are held around the world.

What to Expect

See below for our FAQs and other information on what you can expect during the Divine Integration Retreat


If you have any questions, you can contact Karen McKy at 719-648-3070 or email at

Lodging and transportation vary depending on the retreat you choose. Scroll below to view upcoming retreats. Once you click on a date, you’ll be directed to a page with more info on that specific retreat, including venue and lodging information.


Register for a PSYCH-K® Divine Integration Retreat


This event is FREE of charge. It is Karen’s gift back to you! The only fees are those for Lodging, Transportation and Meals. 

Anonymous Love Offerings are always appreciated and gratefully accepted for the many hours of coordination and arrangements required to host an event of this magnitude.

Still have questions?

Contact Karen