
PSYCH-K® Programs

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[accordion_item title=”PSYCH-K® BASIC WORKSHOP” closed]

Learn the Basics* of PSYCH-K® – in 3 days!

  • *The PSYCH-K® Basic workshop is a prerequisite for all other programs
  • View Calendar for Upcoming Events >


The Basic Workshop introduces new concepts and ideas.

One of the most profound ideas is that we ALL have the ability to change the old “programs” in our subconscious mind. Every thought or belief that currently exists in the subconscious mind was added there by ourselves or someone else at some point in our life. The media (T.V., Radio, newspapers, magazines, etc.) contribute to our limiting belief systems too. As well intentioned as these concepts, ideas, or beliefs may have been in the past, we have grown and changed. Many of the old concepts or beliefs are outdated and no longer serve us.

Many Old Ideas Or Subconscious Beliefs No Longer Serve You!

The good news is that you can take action to change them. The changes are fast as well as easy to make. Most people exclaim,”That’s all I have to do?” Once shown how to properly engage the processes you’ll be amazed how simple it is for you to begin redesigning your life from the inside out. It doesn’t have to be difficult! We have become so accustomed to think anything worth having has to be difficult to be of any value. It simply isn’t true. If programming the subconscious mind initially had been difficult, it might never have been programmed at all.

“We need to know how to communicate with the subconscious mind in order to create the changes we desire.”

Most of us speak and think in very abstract ways.

The subconscious mind requires very literal language. Once we understand and know how to communicate, the conversation becomes quite easy. All PSYCH-K® Workshops are highly experiential! We have a lot of fun and get a lot accomplished at the same time. We spend a couple hours getting to know one another and sharing foundational information upon which to build the PSYCH-K® structure. This allows for a safe environment for sharing and creating rapport with the other attendees.

You will be partnering with other students in the workshop by mid morning of the first day. We will frequently rotate partners during the three days so you get lots of experience using your new skills. Even people who view themselves as shy or introverted open up to exploring and having fun!


How Is “Applied Kinesiology” used In PSYCH-K® Workshops?


One of the first new skills you learn is how to properly facilitate Applied Kinesiology or “Muscle Testing” so you get reliable results every time. We have had our bodies our entire lives. Yet, few of us realize our body sends us communication through signals all day long. We have never learned how to use our amazing body and really listen to what it is telling us. Muscle Testing allows us to understand the changes in the electrical signals being sent through our body. We can create a very simple “language” using Muscle Testing to decode what our electrical energy signals are telling us. Muscle Testing is done by applying a light pressure to the arm. Most people apply way too much pressure upon the arm being used for testing. We use a light touch with a little bit of energy. We are learning to sense subtle energy changes in the electrical signals being sent through the body system from the subconscious, we are never testing the strength of the muscle.

A light pressure is the magical key to doing Muscle Testing well. This is a very important and pivotal understanding. Applied Kinesiology is easy to learn when taught properly. We spend enough time on this subject so everyone in the workshop feels capable of doing it well. The entire structure of our workshops in PSYCH-K rests firmly upon the Applied Kinesiology results.

If you already know Muscle Testing you are likely to pick up on some amazing and key differences which can enhance your use of this valuable skill in other modalities. Many seasoned professionals who use Muscle Testing have been very intrigued with the benefits they gained learning the light touch philosophy. Teaching excellence in Muscle Testing is one of Karen’s greatest skills. She has been using it effectively since 1992.

The first afternoon we will learn two Balances. Balances are processes which allow us to make changes within the subconscious mind. Think of them as new tools in your tool kit. We use a fork and spoon to feed ourselves every day. Think of these two processes as everyday tools we use to feed our subconscious mind! Once you learn how to use these tools a whole new world will open up to you. Your life is about to change for the better!


We will be adding to the tools we learned the first day and personalizing our Goals. The second day is all about making the life changes you want and learning how to put them into language that is powerful and meaningful to you. You will learn how to properly write our own Goal Statements. There are 5 key criteria we need to include in every Goal Statement for it to work well within our subconscious mind.

We will next learn another process called VAK to the Future. This process allows us to take abstract concepts and desires and make them literal so the subconscious mind understands them and can act upon them. Sometimes our Goal Statements are confusing to the Subconscious Mind. That is when we need to use the VAK to the Future. It is not needed every time we do a Balance.

We will also learn how to do “Self Testing”. Sometimes we are alone and still want to experience PSYCH-K Balances. With Self Testing we can help ourselves through changes when we are alone.


Deepen your understanding and gain added proficiency in the third day. You will aquire greater skill and confidence in the application of the processes you learned during your first two days. This day is the “make the difference” day. As of September 2013 Rob Williams agreed PSYCH-K® Participants would benefit by having a 3rd day added to the Basic Workshop.  This 3rd day allows you to enrich your  understanding and increase your ease and comfort using the processes.

We will begin the day with an adaptation to the New Direction Balance we learned on Day 1. This adaptation allows us to process a situation and come to a state of peace and non-attachment regarding the situation. This process is one of the most amazing experiences. We can go from a highly stressed or upset state to a peaceful state in only a matter of a few minutes, even if the event or situation took place many years ago. When the Subconscious Mind has a different way of processing the event or situation we can have an entirely different way of perceiving that situation.

We will have a short discussion about Action Steps and how they can assist us with our Goals. Action Steps help the Conscious Mind recognize change is taking place.  Much of our 3rd day is spent practicing the full loop of processes we learned from Days 1 and 2. This gives you the confidence to use the processes when you return home. We will discuss other helpful items such as how to take short, helpful notes and using PSYCH-K in your daily life. Of course you will be very comfortable facilitating the work with others by the time class ends.

After the 3 day PSYCH-K Basic Workshop you will know how to assist yourself and others to effectively make changes within the Subconscious Mind.

What areas of our life can we use PSYCH-K? In every area!

We are a result of all that we have been, known and experienced. Originator Rob Williams has offered the ‘Eight Categories of Change’ as a means of putting concepts and beliefs into identifiable groups.The 8 Categories of Change are:

  • Spirituality
  • Relationships
  • Prosperity
  • Health/Body
  • Self Esteem
  • Personal Power
  • Grief/Loss.
  • Principles of Nature

Issues or concerns you want to deal with usually fit into these general groupings. We will begin discovering we are truly spiritual beings having a human experience and experiencing how our spiritual nature assists us with our life journey.



What is possible with PSYCH-K®?

People have had all kinds of benefits from using these processes. Some people have found their physical symptoms carry a message for their greater spiritual evolution. Once the messages are received and understood the symptoms may go away since the real concerns have been addressed. It happens frequently.

PSYCH-K® is strictly limited to belief change work.

We never use PSYCH-K® for diagnosing disease!!! However, as you will discover, our beliefs are extremely influential in what we physically manifest in life. PSYCH-K® is used in a complementary healing capacity.

The Basic PSYCH-K® Workshop is a fully functional and robust program for creating changes in your life, for the rest of your life. You may decide this is all you want or need to create the changes you desire. For those who crave more (and many students do) you’ll want to consider attending additional workshops.

At the end of the Basic you will be able to facilitate these processes with others in your life. As you gain proficiency with the processes you will find your confidence increasing and witness the wonders PSYCH-K® offers people. Miracles happen every day when using these processes.



[accordion_item title=”PSYCH-K® ADVANCED WORKSHOP” closed]

Learn Advanced* PSYCH-K® Techniques and Integration


The Most Robust in Its Offering!

Typically the Advanced Integration Workshop is the second workshop PSYCH-K® students attend.. It also provides a wider foundation upon which to build for those interested in taking the Pro Workshop. However, you make take the Pro Workshop immediately after the Basic if you choose. The Basic Workshop is the prerequisite for either class.

The Advanced Workshop is a four day, “mind blowing, knock your socks off” workshop. Most students leave the class with a whole new perspective on life and on what is possible with the power of the Subconscious Mind and and it’s spiritual counterpart, which we generically refer to as the Super Conscious Mind. Each student has their own name by which they call this spiritual aspect. All spiritual belief systems are welcomed, accepted, and respected within the world of PSYCH-K®.

Review the Basics of PSYCH-K®

We begin the workshop with a bit of a review from the Basic Workshop as students may come to this class from another instructor or have a significant gap in time since their Basic class. We take a little time to ramp up and get everyone on the same page again. After we get to know each other a bit and have the review covered we are ready to launch into the first of 8 new processes.

The Rapport Balance

Actually, two Balances in one. You will learn how to be in verbal rapport with people at all times so that you improve your verbal communication with others. Many of us have no idea how we block communication from other people. With this Balance we open up all the communication channels so you can understand others and they can better understand you.

The second part of this Balance is for non-verbal communication. Over 97% of all communication is non-verbal. How we react or respond to others non-verbally has a lot to do with our success in the world. With this Balance we create the ability to remain open to others no matter what their body language or outward physical presentation may be saying to us. Much of the background for this Balance comes from the world of NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming. What takes 6 weeks to learn in NLP we accomplish in about 6 hours.

Belief Points

The next processes you learn are layered steps. You will first learn about Belief Points. This initiates from the ancient art of acupuncture, but puts a whole new spin on it. The ancient acupuncturists knew that different points on the body tied with psychological and emotional issues. We acknowledge this as well. You will learn 12 Belief Points on the physical body and their paired belief statements, twenty four in all. Each Belief Point has a life enhancing and and self limiting belief associated with it. You will learn how your system is organized in relationship to these beliefs.

Energy Focusing

Next you will learn a process called Energy Focusing. This process along with Belief Points creates another Balancing tool. Energy Focusing introduces you to the flow of a very special kind of energy we all have and share with others. It is also the energy we are surrounded with at all times. This process allows you to focus energy in such a way that it can shift beliefs in a very short amount of time.


This is the next process you will learn which allows one person to represent another person so change can take place. It is a “non-local” event. Too much here to describe. Just come to the class and be amazed with this fascinating process.

Core Belief Balance

This is the grand-daddy of them all as it was the first process Originator, Rob Williams received in December of 1988/1989 which launched PSYCH-K®. In this process you will find out how your mind/body system is currently aligned in relationship to 13 pairs of core beliefs. These core beliefs are inherent in all people and cultures around the world. You will utilize Belief Points with Energy Focusing to create the transformational changes within this Balance.

Relationship Balance

The next Balance you will learn is the Relationship Balance. This amazing tool allows the student to work out problems in pivotal relationships. If you have challenges with employers or employees, sibling, parents, grandparents, friends, etc. this is a marvelous tool to help shift the energetic components of challenged relationships. This balance can even work with those who have passed on to the next dimension so death holds no boundary for our own personal well being and transformation.

Life Bonding Balance

This Balance takes you literally from beginning to end. This Balance opens the doorway to living freely in the present moment rather than straddling the past, which is behind us and straddling the future, which is before us.


You will also learn a Surprise Balance, but I can’t tell you about that because then it wouldn’t be a surprise!

We finish the fourth and last day with a marvelous Energy Circle in which we bestow upon each other loving words and blessings before we depart. This is a very relaxing and beautiful way to bring completion to four very transformative and amazing days. As people leave they often times say this has been the most magical four days of their lives. It is truly a wonderful, wonderful experience and all who participate know their lives have changed forever. Often deep and meaningful relationships are formed as a result of the work together over the four days.

Come and be blessed and amazed with this fascinating workshop!


[accordion_item title=”PSYCH-K® PRO WORKSHOP” closed]

Take Your PSYCH-K® to a Professional Level

  • *PSYCH-K® Basic is a prerequisite for this workshop
  • Advanced PSYCH-K® is highly recommended prior to attending the Pro, but not a prerequisite
  • View Calendar for Upcoming Events >


Build Upon Your Basic Skills

Advanced is NOT required before attending this workshop. However, it is highly recommended as you will gain a great deal more from this class if you have the foundation of the Advanced Workshop.

Learn 3 Highly Valuable Processes in 4 Powerful Days

In the Pro Workshop you will learn three highly valuable process adaptations to the suite of Basic Balances. These are variations of the Basic Balances and include how to receive Messages from Disease, Resolve Allergies, and Transform Trauma. Additionally, you will learn how to structure yourself with foundational knowledge and skills regarding building a business using PSYCH-K® as a complimentary/integrative healing modality in the world of wellness and coaching. Karen provides this course as a 4 day program. Based on the feedback of prior students the fourth day allows for role playing of client sessions and deepens the comfort level in working with clients.

Review and Team Building

We begin this class with a bit of review and team building as we do with all PSYCH-K® classes since we will be working with each other, either in pairs or trios, throughout the workshop. We also discuss the very impressive and important difference between a Facilitator and a Practitioner. In PSYCH-K® we are always a Facilitator with our Partner (Client) acknowledging they have all the wisdom within themselves to create the changes they seek. It is our job as a Facilitator to help draw out the knowledge and wisdom they already possess and re-direct it to create a more whole state of being. This is a key operational understanding with PSYCH-K® and it is driven home in a big way during this class.

Dis-ease as the Messenger

Messages from Disease offers a paradigm shift in regards to how we look at symptoms and dis-ease. More and more people are looking for additional support in healing their broken lives, whether it be emotional, mental, spiritual or physical. When we receive the messages a particular symptom or dis-ease is offering us we can move immediately into changing our subconscious perceptions and beliefs which have helped create the challenge. When we make these changes often times the nature of the symptom or dis-ease shifts too. The evolving science of Quantum Energetics is showing us what most of us have known for years. We are energy! Most symptoms or dis-ease are the result of blocked energy. When we get the spirit/mind/body system flowing properly again we can experience a change in our physical expression within life. Dr. Bruce Lipton has been responsible for much new understanding about healing and wellness through his book, “The Biology of Belief”. If you haven’t picked it up and read it, now is a good time to do so.

By understanding even more about how our subconscious mind associates disparate things we can begin to understand how allergies are formed. Again going back to the idea that we are all energy, allergies typically represent a confusion of associated energies. When the confusion is lifted and separation of mis-identified concepts or understandings is re-perceived the allergies may simply cease to exist. Again, this is all a very different way of understanding the nature of wellness and well being. We are proposing a very different way of considering our relationship to physical challenges.

Transforming Trauma

This is the third tool we use to approach greater wellness. There isn’t a person on the planet who hasn’t dealt with some type of trauma. Regardless of whether a trauma is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual in nature a trauma is an impacting event which creates a significant change in our lives. Some of these traumas can be happy events we excitedly embrace such as a wedding or birth of a child. While there is great happiness there is also considerable impact due to the changes these events create. Other traumas are less desirable and can vary from someone yelling at us to the death of a beloved friend or family member. When a trauma occurs our system may create a block or series of blocks in our energy system. We compartmentalize the traumatic event creating a block to some of our natural resources. When we create more holistic resonance within the spirit/mind/body system the energy associated with the trauma can be transformed and the system can be free to function more normally. Most people feel a great deal of relief and a renewed sense of energy after completing a Transforming Trauma Balance.

The Bigger Picture of PSYCH-K®

The third and fourth day are focused on business aspects and discussing how to introduce PSYCH-K to the population at large. With the concepts of PSYCH-K being so vastly different from the norms people are accustomed to we need to have a bridge to span the gap. We will also discuss a great deal about how to hold a session with a client. We role play sessions from the first phone call to the client leaving the session. Even if you do not plan on starting or merging PSYCH-K® with a private practice the information and role playing will offer valuable insights to how you can better offer the other work you do.

The remaining and last workshop is the crowning event. In my humble opinion it is the entire reason PSYCH-K was given to us in the first place. During the Divine Integration Retreat you will have the opportunity to utilize all the processes you have learned in all the workshops and connect with Divinity in a very unique way.


[accordion_item title=”PSYCH-K® HEALTH & WELLNESS PROGRAM” closed]

Use PSYCH-K® for Optimal Health & Wellness*

  • *Both PSYCH-K Basic  & Advanced Integration Workshops are prerequisites
  • View Calendar for Upcoming Events >
  • Learning pace is brisk and there is a lot of material!
  • First, review your Core Belief Balance and Belief Points with Energy Focusing


Health & Wellness Program Goals

  1. Remember our original Divine, perfect, healthy state and stay aligned with it
  2. Think in fresh, creative and unconventional ways about healing and wellness
  3. See “illness” from a very different perspective
  4. Approach “illness” in a very different way from traditional modalities
  5. Manage health conditions from beginning to end, putting our intention and attention toward reaching a state of well being.

Learning & Processes

In this workshop the focus is on taking what one has already learned in the Basic and Advanced and thinking outside of traditional uses of the materials to expand and maximize the processes. Variations in applications of PSYCH-K® Balances already learned will stretch your mind in ways you have not yet considered using the materials. Here’s how we apply these processes:

Optimal Health Balance

The structure of the Core Belief Balance with psychoneuroimmunological belief statements and a detailed action plan. Use the benefits of the past 50 years of research in psychoneuroimmunology and install attitudes and perceptions that support optimal health.

  • Alternate Life Bonding Balance
    • Create a completely different reality about the illness/dis-ease and life related to it.
  • Trauma
    • New ways of thinking about the meanings of trauma
  • Secondary Gain
    • Why do people stay sick in spite of treatment? What is the benefit of having the illness/dis-ease?
  • Messages
    • What might an illness/dis-ease be telling us?
  • The Intention Balance
    • A simple AND incredibly effective balance to manage health conditions
  • Four Levels of Reality
    • Understand these connections of the Four Levels related to our perceptions of health. Become whole-brained with the Four Levels and recognize them in our partners.
  • First Aid
    • Use beliefs to complement and assist immediate medical care
  • Prevention
    • How to use beliefs to STAY healthy and live a long and prosperous life.


  • VAK to the Future for Health Solutions PLUS Create specific balances according to what works for the Partner.



About Your Health and Wellness Instructor

Be In the Flow…with Dr. Duccio Locati

Dr. Duccio Locati is a doctor of Osteopathy living in Milan, Italy. He has always been interested in the connection between mind and body, and in our capacity for self-healing. Dr. Locati studied PSYCH-K® in February, 2007. He became a certified PSYCH-K® Instructor in May, 2008.

He has worked closely with Rob Williams, PSYCH-K® Originator, to create this renewed, re-invented, and re-purposed iteration of the Health & Wellness Program. As a participant, you could not possibly be in better hands! And, he’ll teach in English.

[accordion_item title=”PSYCH-K® DIVINE INTEGRATION RETREAT” closed]

Welcome to the Divine Integration Retreat

You’ve Earned This!


The Singular Purpose of this Retreat is…

To provide both recognition of, and a direct experience of, the Divine in each participant. The logical sequence is to identify and change any limiting beliefs about one’s Divinity, and then to create a format for a direct experience/connection of that Divinity. Each Balancing process is designed to serve that purpose. The culminating experience of the DIR is built on the foundation of each participant changing any limiting beliefs they may have regarding their connection to the Divine. The effect of group synergy is used to create an energetic environment in order to generate a personal experience of one’s own Divine connection. In the tradition of “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” this experience is designed to leverage group dynamics to facilitate a field effect in which each person can benefit from the power of the group in the state of Divine coherency.

The reason for this focus came out of the the realization that the “IS Disorder” (Illusion of Separation from our Divinity), is the root cause of all disorders, mental and physical. In other words, it is our beliefs (usually subconscious) that we are separate from Divinity and hence fundamentaly flawed and powerless to have satisfying, joy filled lives that is the primary issue to address in the human experience. The premise is that ALL limitations are a subset of our limiting beliefs about Divinity.

The Supreme Gift of PSYCH-K®

For those ready to receive it. Because it is to be offered as a gift, no tuition is charged for the DIR itself. The Instructor is providing the space and other amenities for the DIR as a gift to you. Donations to help offset expenses are welcome and appreciated, but are optional. Any donation given will be done anonymously through a third party individual identified at the beginning of the DIR. For the ease of administration by the third party, cash is preferred over checks.

The Crowning Event in the World of PSYCH-K®

It is an incredible four day weekend designed to be relaxing, nurturing and supportive to your discovery of your connection and relationship with the Divine. The event is held in a retreat style format. DIR Attendees are highly encouraged to leave cell phones and the rest of the world behind when entering this special time and place. The pacing of the weekend is very different from other PSYCH-K® programs. There are no new Balances to learn. However, each of the Balances will be reviewed before doing them.

There will be time for making new friends and renewing friendships gained in earlier workshops. We may prepare meals and eat together or we may go out for dinners as a group depending on the services in the area. Lodging may be onsite or in nearby hotel/motel accommodations. Again, the idea here is to create community and be a community, assisting one another in Balancing throughout the event. Every attempt will be made to hold the DIR at a location with reasonable rates. Lodging expenses are the responsibility of the attendees.

We hope to have you join us for this final blessing of PSYCH-K®! You are welcome to attend as many times as you wish. DIR events are held around the world.




[accordion_item title=”PER-K® BUSINESS ESSENTIALS” closed]

Engage a Different Success Strategy with These Powerful Processes of Change

PER-K® Workshops

  • Use the approach that works best for your group or organization.
  • All workshops are designed so each team embraces the work utilizing materials best suited to their needs.
  • Essentials for Success™ (Standard or Customized Content).
  • Initial Entry Level – learn and utilize high speed mindset change processes.

Two Options to Choose from:

A two-day interactive workshop PLUS follow up 1:1 coaching sessions. Coaching sessions help participants maximize the learned information at a personal level. Designed to assist participant in rapid engagement with and use of the processes for their success.

A three-day interactive workshop includes plenty of opportunities for participants to engage with the processes with team dynamics. This format offers greater team interaction while ensuring immediate application and success.
Participant & Organizational Gains:

  1. Each participant within the organization will be able to identify and change beliefs preventing them from expressing and manifesting their success potential.
  2. Each participant within the organization learns how to successfully initiate future changes after the workshop for continued improvement.
  3. Each participant within the organization is comfortable engaging other team members in working the processes for sustained development.

Essentials for Success™ offers customizable focus modules to address specific areas targeted for improvement or organizational initiatives critical to sustainable success.

Focus Modules Include:

  • Peak Sales Performance – The Psychological Advantage
  • Behavior Styles – Flexing with the Differences
  • Exceptional Leadership – Leading by Example
  • Effective Communication – Using Both Sides of the Brain
  • Team Alignment – Enhancing Group Effectiveness
  • Turning Stress into Success – It’s All in How You Look at It
  • Health and Wellness – The Mind/Body Connection
  • Managing for Excellence – The Whole-Brain Approach
  • The Nature Consultancy – Key Principles of Nature and Sustainable Success applied to business

Examples for Additional Customization:

  • Diffusing the Difficult Client – Interaction from a Whole-Brain State
  • Safety First – Making Safety Awareness a Habit
  • Letting Someone Go – Opportunities for Growth
  • Death in the Workplace – Honoring, Healing and Moving On
  • Performance Appraisals – Gaining Commitment for Expected Results
  • Ethics – Aligning Individual and Organizational Agreements
  • Responsibility and Accountability – A Personal Commitment
  • Spirituality in Business – Expanding from Within
  • Coaching – With a Whole-Brain Perspective
  • Excellent Entrepreneur – Using Your Brain Trust for Success

Essentials for Success can be presented for:

  • Open public workshops
  • Closed organization workshops
  • Project enhancement initiatives

When is it best to hold an Essentials for Success Workshop?

  • Anytime success enhancement is desired
  • At the start of a change initiative to foster openness and willingness to new concepts
  • At the end of a change initiative to facilitate alignment with the new information

After the workshop each participant will:

  • Effectively identify and transform self-limiting beliefs (which lead to self- defeating behaviors)
  • Create new self-empowering beliefs (which leads to increased performance and confidence).
  • Clarify confusing and abstract ideas (which leads to greater efficiency and better outcomes)
  • Implement the change processes into daily personal and professional life.

PER-K processes activate the innate neurological connection between mind and body to communicate with the subconscious mind… the storehouse of attitudes and beliefs. This results in a unique state of mind enabling participants to rewrite old self-limiting beliefs with new and supportive self-enhancing beliefs.PER-K is simple, direct, effective and verifiable. It simply works! Welcome to the Evolution of Business!


Want to Learn More about PSYCH-K®?

Watch the pre-recorded Intro to PSYCH-K® Webinar

Watch the Free pre-recorded PSYCH-K® Intro Webinar

In just 1 hour, you’ll learn about the basics of PSYCH-K®. This is the fastest way to learn about PSYCH-K® – so jump in and get your questions answered. There’s a lot of information to be digested and this pre-recorded webinar has been created to specifically assist you in understanding more about it. Click below to watch now.
Watch Now

Still have questions?

Contact Karen