
Health & Wellbeing Program

Health & Wellness

PSYCH-K Health & Wellbeing Program (HWP)

Typically the HWP is held in the fall in the USA.


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Locations and Details on the Calendar

Join us September 27-30, 2018  in Denver, Colorado

Venue and Lodging to be announced, near the Denver International Airport


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Health & Wellbeing Program Goals

1. Remember our original Divine, perfect, healthy state and stay aligned with it

2. Think in fresh, creative and unconventional ways about healing and well-being

3. See “illness” from a very different perspective

4. Approach “illness” in a very different way from traditional modalities

5. Manage health conditions from beginning to end, putting our intention and attention toward reaching a state of well being.


Learning & Processes

In this workshop the focus is on taking what one has already learned in the Basic and Advanced and thinking outside of traditional uses of the materials to expand and maximize the processes. Variations in applications of PSYCH-K Balances  already learned will stretch your mind in ways you have not yet considered using the materials.

Optimal Health Balance

The structure of the Core Belief Balance with psychoneuroimmunological belief statements and a detailed action plan. Use the benefits of the past 50 years of research in psychoneuroimmunology and install attitudes and perceptions that support optimal health.

Alternate Life Bonding Balance

Create a completely different reality about the illness/dis-ease and life related to it.

Perceived Traumatic Experiences

New ways of thinking and balancing for perceived traumatic events

Secondary Gain

Why do people stay sick in spite of treatment? What is the benefit of having the illness/dis-ease?


What might an illness/dis-ease be telling us?

The Intention Balance

A simple AND incredibly effective balance to manage health conditions

Four Levels of Reality

Understand these connections of the Four Levels related to our perceptions of health. Become whole-brained with the Four Levels and recognize them in our partners.

First Aid

Use beliefs to complement and assist immediate medical care


How to use beliefs to STAY healthy and live a long and prosperous life.


VAK to the Future for Health Solutions PLUS Create specific balances according to what works for the Partner.


LEARNING PACE IS BRISK and there is a lot of material covered in class!

Prerequisites are:

PSYCH-K Basic Workshop, PSYCH-K Advanced, (PSYCH-K Pro is highly recommended)

REVIEW your Core Belief Balance & Belief Points with Energy Focusing BEFORE attending this program


Be In the Flow…with Dr. Duccio Locati

Your Instructor: Dr. Duccio Locati is a doctor of Osteopathy living in Switzerland, and before that in Milan, Italy. He has always been interested in the connection between mind and body, and in our capacity for self-healing.  Dr. Locati studied PSYCH-K in February, 2007. He became a certified PSYCH-K Instructor in May, 2008.

He has worked closely with Rob Williams, PSYCH-K Originator, to create this renewed, re-invented, and re-purposed iteration of the Health & Well-being Program.  As a participant, you could not possibly be in better hands! And, he’ll teach in English.


Karen McKy, MHt Certified PSYCH-K Instructor for the PSYCH-K Basic, Advanced Pro, DIR and PER-K Workshops

Register now! Call 1+719-648-3070  or

Click Here for a list PSYCH-K® Workshops

Want to Learn More about PSYCH-K®?

Watch the pre-recorded Intro to PSYCH-K® Webinar

Watch the Free pre-recorded PSYCH-K® Intro Webinar

In just 1 hour, you’ll learn about the basics of PSYCH-K®. This is the fastest way to learn about PSYCH-K® – so jump in and get your questions answered. There’s a lot of information to be digested and this pre-recorded webinar has been created to specifically assist you in understanding more about it. Click below to watch now.
Watch Now

Still have questions?

Contact Karen