I’ve helped many people regain a healthy relationship to the holiday time frame and re-ignite their happiness! Regardless if you have suffered the loss of loved ones around the holidays, experienced huge betrayals that devastated you, or had hurtful arguments that can’t be resolved or forgiven, (or other events not listed), there is no reason why you have to continue suffering.
There’s an old saying that goes like this, Hating or being angry at another is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die! It sounds crazy doesn’t it? Yet, we tend to do this! We walk around day after day, year after year, upset, angry, or hating another person and WE feel horrible. OUR lives get destroyed! OUR happiness is gone! Guess what? The other person doesn’t suffer!! In fact, many times the other person doesn’t even remember the event you are upset about, while it continues controlling your choices and destroying YOU!
Don’t allow the events of the past to control you or steal your happiness!
You are at a choice point here my friend! Do you really want to let the events of the past literally eat you up and leave you angry and hurt? Or do you want to do something constructive about your feelings and perceptions regarding the event that happened a long time ago? The only reason you are still bitter is that your subconscious mind lives in the “present moment”. Your subconscious keeps the event before you, (complete with all the feelings of that event too) as though it were happening today! Everytime you think of that person or the event all the feelings and memories are right there at full strength!
There is a simple, easy and wonderful way of updating the subconscious with a NEW perception of YOUR CHOOSING! Creating this subconscious change typically can be done in a few minutes. We can also discuss other elements of the event that upset you and update them if needed too. Usually a very beneficial change can be completed in only one session that lasts about an hour!
Would you like to have a happier holiday this year? Call me to schedule a personal session (long distance by phone or Zoom) and let’s shake those Holiday Blues loose for good! You deserve to have happiness and put the past to rest. Isn’t it about time? (How many more years do you think you should suffer?)
Here’s to a happier holiday this year and in the future as well, Karen