
Experience, Awaken, Transform, Transcend, Evolve!

Rob Williams, the originator of PSYCH-K,® coined this term in 1989. PSYCH-K® is a profound set of processes which assist the subconscious mind. The effect is a re-writing of self-limiting subconscious programs (beliefs) into life-enhancing subconscious programs (beliefs).

Many people find self-limiting beliefs create self-sabotaging behaviors. Such behaviors covertly affect one’s ability to be successful in business and personal relationships. These invisible issues often are the ruling programs that silently lead people to despair, frustration and exasperation in their lives.

PSYCH-K® (and PER-K® Essentials For Business) offers people an easy and effective way to change the way they behave, feel, and interact with others in their life.

Traditional tools such as affirmations, talk therapy (based on stimulating insights from past occurrences), positive thinking, will power, reading self-help books, making vision boards, writing in journals and visualizing are predominantly limited to the conscious mind.

While these can be helpful. They are seriously limited in effectiveness. If conscious mind processes were all that were needed to change the subconscious mind, we would already be doing and being all that we wanted.

The focus of PSYCH-K® and PER-K® is directed at changing beliefs held in the subconscious mind. Our beliefs are the predecessors of all behaviors, feelings and interpretations we experience in our life.

People can learn how to change their subconscious programming at the first indication of a challenge, thus creating a different outcome.

“Permission and Commitment” protocols are used within this process. They ensure that the Subconscious mind and Super-conscious minds are in alignment with the agreed upon direction, and intended work.

This also ensures that the desired subconscious programming change is in the best interests of the person at that particular time. If Permission or Commitment are not allowed for the desired change, this goal can not be worked upon at that time. Instead, a higher priority will be identified which needs to be addressed first.This other “higher priority” goal is more important and appropriate for subconscious programming change. Permission and Commitment can be obtained for it. Several confirmation or verification steps are used to satisfy the skeptical conscious mind that change has actually occurred.

Kinesiology, or muscle testing, is utilized to establish communication with the subconscious mind. Whole brain body postures and movements cause neuron firings in both brain hemispheres, creating a whole brain state in which subconscious programming change more readily occurs within the subconscious mind.

This program is a synergistic combination of divinely inspired ideas merged with effective Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Psycho-spiritual processes, Milton Erickson Style Hypnotherapy, Educational Kinesiology, and Acupressure healing modalities. The result is a highly dynamic and successful means of changing sabotaging beliefs.

Brain Mapping (qEEG) now offers scientific validation that changes are in fact being made within the brain during the balance process. Neuroscientist, Dr. Jeffrey Fannin, of the Center for Cognitive Enhancement in Glendale, Arizona has been working with Rob Williams and PSYCH K since January 2009.

Together, they published a paper in the peer reviewed journal, “NeuroConnections” in September 2011 which documents the findings of 125 participants utilizing PSYCH-K and Brain Mapping technology.

The processes differ greatly from most other healing modalities. It is believed the person seeking the change (Client/Partner) holds the answers within their own subconscious mind for the presenting concern. Since we are a composite of all our past experiences, this is the most appropriate place to find the answer.

The Facilitator assists the Partner in discovering their own inner wisdom and making the changes the Partner seeks, not changes the Facilitator thinks are best,

Students who attend the Basic Workshop are called Facilitators after completion of the workshop. This designation is given because we are always “facilitating” the work, even when we are working with ourselves. The person directing any session is called a Facilitator, not a practitioner, doctor, or therapist.

This differentiation is very important as a Facilitator “facilitates the processes” so the client can discover the needed answers within their own subconscious mind by utilizing the processes. Facilitators are not the “keepers of the answers”, the clients are!

Want to Learn More about PSYCH-K®?

Watch the pre-recorded Intro to PSYCH-K® Webinar

Watch the Free pre-recorded PSYCH-K® Intro Webinar

In just 1 hour, you’ll learn about the basics of PSYCH-K®. This is the fastest way to learn about PSYCH-K® – so jump in and get your questions answered. There’s a lot of information to be digested and this pre-recorded webinar has been created to specifically assist you in understanding more about it. Click below to watch now.
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