July 23-26, 2015 PSYCH-K Divine Integration Retreat, Crestone, Colorado Details
A Week of Inner Rejuvenation! PLUS The Great Sand Dunes National Park, Hot Springs, Hikes and more!
Prerequisite: Basic & Advanced Workshop
All Divine Integration Retreats are from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, All 4 Days –
EXTRA days are recommended for full integration and some well deserved relaxation!
This is the PINNACLE event within the PSYCH-K suite of workshops. This retreat is designed to foster a strong sense of community. It is suggested all participants leave behind their computers, cell phones and participate in the richness of this event, being present and centered in the 4 joyful days and evenings of the gathering. We will stay at the workshop facility and create community meals together. Evenings are filled with soul-full conversation and often times participants bring something to share with the group, music, favorite poetry, fun games, etc.
Taught By: Certified PSYCH-K Instructor: Karen McKy, 719-648-3070 cell or 720-325-2536 office, email: Karen@SubconsciousChange.com
This event is FREE of charge. It is Karen’s gift back to you! The only fees are those for Lodging, Transportation (if needed) and Meals, Shared meals will be prepared and enjoyed in the evenings as a community.
Anonymous Love Offerings are always appreciated and gratefully accepted.
ADDITIONAL FEES: Meals, transportation, entrance to parks, hot springs, or other facilities with an entry fee are not covered by the deposit of $500.00.
ONLY 20 PEOPLE will attend. First come, first served basis. Deposits must be paid at time of registration to confirm your attendance. Deposit of $500 pays your lodging for 8 nights.
July 23 – 26, 2015 Crestone, Colorado
Arrival in Denver, CO and transfer to Crestone strongly suggested on July 21st, Tuesday
Departure from Crestone suggested July 29th, Wednesday
Based on several prior DIR experiences, it is suggested you book a full 9 days, inclusive of 2 travel days, to relax and enjoy the fullness of the spiritual integration and natural beauty of this area. You can come only for the retreat, or enjoy the extra days to decompress before and after the event. Summer weather can cause flight complications so an extra day of wiggle room on both sides of the retreat will allow you a comfortable entry into the retreat and on your return home.
In Crestone, Colorado you will experience the glory of a Colorado Summer. Listen to the quaking aspens as they call you. Crestone is home to over 25 Spiritual Centers all within a tiny mountain town. Crestone boasts the largest number of spiritual centers per capita in the United States.
Experience the amazing vortex energy within the community of Crestone. You will have the most profound experiences yet in PSYCH-K during the Divine Integration Retreat. Find a deeper connection with your Divine Source through the experiential processes of this truly magical program.
Prior attendees have shed tears of joy as they came to experience the depth of their relationship with their Divinity. Others have found the inner power to move mountains in their life once they discovered there is no true separation from our Divine Source.
Enjoy the majestic and awe inspiring Great Sand Dunes National Park. This is not an official part of the DIR. You may participate or not. It is truly a magical place. Other wonderful experiences will include hikes, hot tub, and opportunities to enjoy local sights and local spiritual places.
Certified PSYCH-K Instructor: Karen McKy 719-648-3070 Karen@SubconsciousChange.com
Arrival and Departure: Arrive at Denver International Airport on July 21st by noon. Depart Denver International Airport after 4:pm on July 29, 2015 for most relaxing time!
Do NOT make flight reservations until Karen confirms your attendance!!
LOCATION: Silver Star Bed & Breakfast Retreat Center, Crestone, Colorado
LODGING: Silver Star Bed & Breakfast, Call Karen to make lodging reservations. shared rooms only, no single occupancy rooms available.
TRANSPORTATION: Let Karen know if you need travel assistance from Denver International Airport. The previous years we have done ride shares with local attendees driving. We may consider renting a van and sharing the charges of rental and gas if we have enough demand.
RENTAL CARS: If you are renting a car and agree to transport other attendees please let Karen know. ALL shared rides are at the riders own discretion. Karen McKy and Subconscious Change assumes no responsibility for any damage or personal injury resulting from riding with another driver.
PERSONAL INJURY WAIVER: A signed waiver will be required releasing Karen McKy, James Bates, all DIR retreat attendees, owners of the Silver Star B&B, and Subconscious Change from any damage or personal injury resulting from participating in any portion of the DIR, or activities whether officially sanctioned or not, and including but not limited to travel to and from Denver International Airport and Crestone, Colorado. All physical activities similar to or related to walking, hiking, climbing, wading, swimming, etc. are at the sole risk and responsibility of the person engaging in the activity.
ALCOHOL AND DRUG USAGE: For the comfort of all attendees this a drug free and alcohol free event. Anyone consuming or engaging in the use of these substances will be asked to stop. Failure to do so will result in the immediate departure of the attendee from the event, at their own expense, with no refund of any fees paid. Instead, plan on getting high with your own spiritual connection!
MEALS: All meals are shared meals. A menu will be provided to select from If you are not interested in this option bring along your own food.and coolers. Refrigerators are available but will be utilized for group food. A personal cooler is suggested. Ice is NOT on premises for keeping food cold. However, there is ice available in the town of Crestone.