
Directory Information

Find a Professional PSYCH-K® Facilitator

On this page you will find a number of PSYCH-K® Facilitators who have completed the PSYCH-K® Basic, Advanced and Pro Workshops. Some have completed more than the three required classes to be listed on this website. Additional classes will be listed within the Facilitators Bio. For qualifications of Professional PSYCH-K® Facilitators listed on this website see Private Sessions, Facilitator Qualifications.

All Professional PSYCH-K® Facilitators can assist you with in person sessions (if you are located within their community or are willing to drive and meet the Facilitator) or they can hold online meetings or phone sessions with you. Online and phone sessions are as effective as in person sessions as you will be directly participating in and experiencing all the processes.

Here are some helpful hints for selecting a Professional PSYCH-K® Facilitator.

  • Look through the entire listing of Facilitators.
  • Sense who is the best Facilitator for you.
  • Read the bio and learn a bit about the Facilitator.
  • Call and visit with the Facilitator.
  • Schedule your session. (Sessions can be booked on this website or with the Facilitator directly)


Each Professional PSYCH-K® Facilitator is an independent business owner. Any concerns you have should be directed to the individual Facilitator you worked with for resolution. When working with a Facilitator you are solely responsible for your own changes and personal growth. You will never be asked or required to do anything against your will. You and your Facilitator work collaboratively at all times. Your Facilitator will guide/facilitate you through the PSYCH-K® processes. All belief change processes are entered into and completed at your discretion and with your full approval.


The PSYCH-K® processes are strictly limited to the modification of beliefs. PSYCH-K® processes are not designed to diagnose medical or mental health problems, nor are they a replacement for medical attention or professional mental health care.

Want to Learn More about PSYCH-K®?

Watch the pre-recorded Intro to PSYCH-K® Webinar

Watch the Free pre-recorded PSYCH-K® Intro Webinar

In just 1 hour, you’ll learn about the basics of PSYCH-K®. This is the fastest way to learn about PSYCH-K® – so jump in and get your questions answered. There’s a lot of information to be digested and this pre-recorded webinar has been created to specifically assist you in understanding more about it. Click below to watch now.
Watch Now

Still have questions?

Contact Karen