Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to us. We assure you we will never sell your personal or private information gathered on/through this website. This information includes, but is not limited to, name, phone numbers, addresses, credit card numbers, and banking information. We are not collecting or capturing any personal or private information without your knowledge.
As a client or student you agree to allow the sharing of your Success Stories publicly through written form. Names and identifying details will be modified to maintain anonymity. Success Stories may be included in brochures, websites, articles, blogs or other media suitable for written content.
If you prefer your anonymous Success Stories not be shared, please make a request in writing so it may be noted and respected.
Video and Audio File Success Stories or testimonials may be shared publicly in all viewing/audio formats including, but not limited to, Webinars, Websites, YouTube, Vimeo, In-person viewing, or other video/audio sharing methods. Because these methods will show your image and your voice will be heard we make no guarantee, nor warrant who will or will not have access to your video/audio file. Software available in the market place makes it possible for video/audio information to be dubbed, spliced, or used without our knowledge or permission. Therefore, use of any video/audio files will be posted/shared only with your express permission either in writing or given verbally.
Our privacy policy is subject to change without notice and can be viewed on this page at any time.