
Rob Williams’ Personal Invitation to 2015 Online Facilitator Conference


This is a Personal Invitation from…
Rob Williams, Originator of PSYCH-K®, to join me for the 2015 PSYCH-K Facilitator’s Online Conference, to be held Saturday, September 19th! 


This is a special conference for PSYCH-K Facilitators Only.  We had over 300 PSYCH-K Facilitators join us for the Conference last year.  We expect even more participants this year!


The Conference will be held from 11am-3pm Eastern Time. It will be recorded live, and will be available after the live event, at your convenience, in various time zones around the world.

I will be conducting an interview and discussion with each of our two Guest Speakers during the first two hours of the program.  They are Angela Thompson Smith, PhDco-author of Voices from the Cosmos, and Glenn Aparicio Parry, PhD, author of Original Thinking – A Radical ReVisioning of Time, Humanity, and Nature.  Angela and Glenn will be discussing subjects that are indeed mind-expanding and will help you see the role of PSYCH-K in a new light, as a catalyst for our changing world, and why being able to change subconscious beliefs is so important in creating a sustainable future for ourselves, and our planet!  I believe they both have a timely and important  message to give us, and as a result, I have also chosen them to be presenters at the annual PSYCH-K Instructor’s Conference!


In addition to our two special Guest Speakers, I will conduct brief interviews with Duccio Locati, the Director of the PSYCH-K Health and Wellness Program, and Robin Graham, Director of PER-K, the business version of PSYCH-K , so you can learn what is going on in these exciting areas of service to humanity.


Our first Guest Speaker is Angela Thompson Smith. This is what Angela will be talking about in our interview-style presentation:
(Her book, Voices from the Cosmos, is available at Amazon in Paperback and Kindle Edition.)
Following a lifetime of Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs), and decades of remote viewing (RV) as well as shamanic training and experience, Angela will explore with us how we currently view our world, and how changing that view can help us explore our untapped Human potential. At first glance you may wonder what this expert, in Out of Body Experiences, Remote Viewing, and Shamanism, has to do with PSYCH-K. Well, I think you are in for a mind-expanding experience.  The focus of her book, Voices from the Cosmos is a series of “interviews” with a wide variety of extraterrestrial races.  Yes, I said extraterrestrial!  Her skills as a remote viewer allowed these two-way conversations to take place.  The view of the universe that emerges from this information will be truly expansive for most nearly everyone!  It includes aspects of quantum physics, the spiritual Law of One principle, and much more.  It gives a whole new perspective on the possibilities for surrogation, to foster the evolution of consciousness.  Our statement of purpose on the Home page of the PSYCH-K Centre International website, “Nurturing Sacred Global Evolution” is about to go galactic!


Our second Guest Speaker is Glenn Aparicio Parry, PhD, author of Original Thinking: A Radical Revisioning of Time, Humanity, and Nature.
I read Glenn’s book and was deeply moved by his insightful perspective on how we view ourselves and our world. It confirmed why PSYCH-K is so important in this time where new perspectives are needed to create a sustainable future for ourselves and the planet!


Here is what Glenn will be talking about in our interview-style presentation:
(Glenn’s book, Original Thinking – A Radical Revisioning of Time, Humanity, and Nature is available at Amazon, Paperback and Kindle Edition)
What would it mean if we were to think from a place of deep gratitude? Could all our thoughts then be prayers? Can we relearn how to think — not from fear or lack — but from blessing and wholeness? Can we learn to think not only with our head, but also our heart? If so, we will remember what we once knew — how to be a human in connection with the whole of life. In our interview, we will discuss alternative concepts of time, what it means to be human, and how the world today is a result of how we think and educate. He will discuss the challenging questions that we need to face if we are to survive and thrive in the coming era. The added bonus for you, as PSYCH-K Facilitators, is that you can take the powerful insights from this interview and transform them into belief statements for Balancing.  This lets you make this wisdom an instant part of your life at the subconscious level of your mind!


As in previous Facilitator’s Online Conferences, I will be presenting ideas about the “Big Picture” for the future of PSYCH-K. In this case, I will be talking about the Principles of Nature you are familiar with from the PSYCH-K Basic Workshop handouts, and the part they can play in creating harmonious relationships in our own lives, and in our relationship with Mother Earth.


There will also be some time set aside for questions I will answer from Conference participants!


For additional information about tuition, and registration for the Conference, just click the “More Info” button.


You are cordially invited to join YOUR international community of PSYCH-K Facilitators for this informative and inspiring event!


Many Blessings to you all,

Rob Williams

PSYCH-K® Centre International

Rob Williams

Want to Learn More about PSYCH-K®?

Watch the pre-recorded Intro to PSYCH-K® Webinar

Watch the Free pre-recorded PSYCH-K® Intro Webinar

In just 1 hour, you’ll learn about the basics of PSYCH-K®. This is the fastest way to learn about PSYCH-K® – so jump in and get your questions answered. There’s a lot of information to be digested and this pre-recorded webinar has been created to specifically assist you in understanding more about it. Click below to watch now.
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