
Letting Go Through Connection

When frustration, exhaustion, despair, anger, confusion were running high in my life I used to turn inward, shut down and keep all my challenges to myself. I’d rarely share my feelings with anyone.

After years of teaching the PSYCH-K processes I was blessed to witness the healing that occurred when two participants would share their innermost troubles. The act of connecting with a human being, being real, open and vulnerable with another, allows us to free ourselves from the burden of carrying something alone.

Yesterday, I shared my confusion, frustration, and deep sadness with my fiancé about my plans to move from my home so I could live with him in his home in another town. I had watched each day as my home emerged from blueprints and rose from the ground to completion. I had carefully and thoughtfully purchased the contents for my home to express not only me, but to create a supportive and nurturing environment for those who would come to study PSYCH-K within this sanctuary. My home literally became the home that PSYCH-K built. Its “soul” purpose was to nurture the students and the instructor so we could become greater versions of ourselves.

I realized I was carrying my feelings regarding the renting or selling of my home as well as what to do with all the contents, all alone. I needed to share. I didn’t need problem solving. I just needed my fiancé to listen to me while I poured out all that was bottled up within me. I felt as though my feelings were so full-to-the-brim that I was unable to help myself, by myself. So, I asked if he would just listen. I popped the cork and shared my deepest feelings of sadness, confusion, and frustration about saying goodbye to all that I had built and all that it represented to me.

Days before, I had asked Spirit to help me understand why it was so hard to let go of all the stuff that needed to be rehomed, including precious things handed down through my family. I received some insight fairly quickly about the family items, which helped.

Regarding family possessions, I realized I felt that I was betraying my grandmother if I sold or gave away her precious items that have been in the family for well over 100 years. I believed I had been “entrusted” with the safe keeping of these items until they were to be handed down to my children and then their children. However, my children want none of the “precious items.” This is a problem I hear all too often from other people as well.

My inner self talk has been, “If I dispose of the items, I will break the trust that was given me. I am disrespecting my grandmother and not honoring her. I am unworthy of having received the items in the first place.” I have worked on these beliefs with PSYCH-K and feel that I have come to peace about rehoming the items.

However, what about my home? I am giving up all that I worked so hard to accomplish. I finally was able to prove to myself that I was successful enough at working, carefully saving and managing money to have a home and to purchase things that brought me beauty and joy. I’m a very visual and tactile person. Being able to see and touch the fruits of my intensely diligent efforts over the past 15 years makes me feel successful. My home and possessions show me that I have created success in my life. Now, I need to give it all up so I can create a new life with the man I love and will soon marry.

I am choosing to give it all up. Nobody is coercing or forcing me in my choice. One big lesson I have received from all this “STUFF” is that it becomes an invisible trap, an encumbrance, an unrelenting burden of carrying the past from one place to another. This encumbrance of “stuff” stifles my growth. It holds me back from moving forward, progressing and creating something new and different.
In my sharing with my fiancé, Leigh, I expressed that unknowingly, I had externalized my success. Having the material possessions represented my success. I had not yet internalized the success all these things represented! This was what I needed to experience for myself. It was my next step to free myself from the invisible trap of the “STUFF.”

I chose to work on the following Goals using the PSYCH-K processes. “I fully claim and internalize my success.”, “I release the experience of material possessions representing my success.”, “I am deeply proud of myself and all that I have accomplished.” I trust my memories to be present for me without material possessions being the triggers of my memories.

After going through the PSYCH-K processes with the above Goals I now feel ready to respectfully let go of the possessions and my home that I purchased, built and have loved living in these past 4 years. I am ready to recreate my life with my new husband. For us to do that, we both need to be free to move into our next experiences unencumbered by the past. The value of connecting with Leigh and sharing my inner world has been an immense gift I gave myself yesterday. Using the PSYCH-K processes afterwards helped me shift my perspective, understandings and beliefs, which had been creating confusion and discomfort in my life. I truly find PSYCH-K to be priceless!

While I will no longer be teaching PSYCH-K in my home, I will continue teaching PSYCH-K online. If you want to organize a workshop in your area I am very happy to come and teach in person. I love what PSYCH-K has done to assist me. I love that it continues to assist so many people in the US and around the world. I have had the beautiful privilege of teaching a tool that makes profound differences in the lives of those who have studied and used it.

Many blessings to you, Karen

Want to Learn More about PSYCH-K®?

Watch the pre-recorded Intro to PSYCH-K® Webinar

Watch the Free pre-recorded PSYCH-K® Intro Webinar

In just 1 hour, you’ll learn about the basics of PSYCH-K®. This is the fastest way to learn about PSYCH-K® – so jump in and get your questions answered. There’s a lot of information to be digested and this pre-recorded webinar has been created to specifically assist you in understanding more about it. Click below to watch now.
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